Thursday, July 26, 2007

What to do.

The photo on my last post was kind of a last resort, dealing with this story. We met up with Katrina, I photographed her, had the above shot set to run in the paper, when she called saying that she was very uncomfortable with having a "bad" picture of her in the paper. She said it would be okay to come back and take a picture when she had all of her hair done and make-up on. That's isn't what we do at a newspaper. Nor should we let the subject's afterthoughts sway how we present an important story for the community. But sometimes, when you work in community news, you have to give some thought to the community. I would have rather this shot ran, but it was tough to make a decision in an already assignment-filled day. So we ran the shot of the back of her head looking towards the boat ramp where the incident happened. These are times when photo editors come in handy. Did I do the right thing? I don't know.


Blogger ashley and nicholas said...

damn, that's tough. I would have ran her face, she agreed to it before, and it's not a bad picture of her at all. Different if perhaps there was a huge booger hanging out of her nose :) No kidding though with community news, having to keep people happy but really news is news and it usually seems to piss people off in the process. Meh, just my oppinion though, obviously editors thought differently.

Was she happy with the story in the end??

12:01 PM  

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