Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lebanon Arrivals

Well I got called out to my first late night news event on Tuesday night. A new reporter who had just moved from the Journal got a call from a local MLA of Lebanese decent who tipped her off that a flight was arriving at the airport at about 12:30, so we headed out. The officials at the private hangar wouldn't let me inside to take pictures, so I did the best I could outside as people collected their luggage after a long journey home.
Calgary, AB-20060725-.Mohamad Hamade, 18 months, rests on his mother Abeer Hamade's shoulder after an exhausting trip from Lebanon to Calgary. Thirty-nine haggard people arrived here on Wednesday. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary Herald

Here is a portrait I did just before these two were teeing off at a golf course on the outskirts of town. For a story about the perils of live organ donation and the financial sacrifice the donor makes. Calgary, AB-20060720-.Doug Read, who donated one of his kidneys to his sister, Patty, says he lost between $10,000 and $12,000 in pay because of the recovery time needed after the surgery. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary Herald


Blogger Charla Huber said...

The first photo is great, you worked with you had and came through.

1:08 PM  
Blogger ashley and nicholas said...

wow, must have been an emotional visit to the hanger in the middle of the night. This job is amazing, the things you get to witness...

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

6:12 PM  

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