Friday, July 14, 2006

Planes, Choppers, and.... Supertramp

Here are some shots from Wednesday, I had a break from the Stampede Grounds. The first assignment was to update our photo files on Westjet/Air Canada planes , so I got to go hang out up in the control tower at Calgary International Airport and take photos of planes for a few hours. After that, I headed up to the Stampede RoundUp which is a huge stampede party, which Roger Hodgson was the main act. I liked the picture because typically you don't get access to that angle behind the scenes, and it was more of a quiet moment that went with the Supertramp songs he was singing. And finally I went feature hunting for the last hours of my shift as the light was beautiful, and ended up with some silhouettes (hey I can't control where the sun sets) which I was fairly happy with. Seeing that Griffin helicopter fly around was pretty cool , although I was unable to secure a ride in it. Maybe next time.Calgary, AB-20060612-.Two WestJet Boeing 737's prepare for lift-off on the tarmac of the Calgary International Airport Wednesday afternoon. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary Herald

Calgary, AB-20060612-. Roger Hodgson of Supertramp fame was a definite crowd-pleaser at this year's Stampede Roundup at Fort Calgary. He entertained a packed crowd with melodious songs like "Is it Mine," "Hide in Your Shell," and "Take the Long Way Home" at the Roundup Wednesday night. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary HeraldCalgary, AB-20060612-.Steven Couture, 7 1/2, of Dickson, Alberta walks along a wall on Tom Campbell's Hill Natural Park late Wednesday evening as the sun sets over Calgary. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary
Calgary, AB-20060612-.Left to right, Will, 9, Steven, 7 1/2, Henry, 63, and Danielle Couture, 11 watch the suns set over Calgary from Tom Campel's Hill Natural park late Wednesday evening. The children had come from Dickson, Alberta to visit their Grandpa Henry and attend the Calgary Stampede. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary Herald

Calgary, AB-20060612-.Canadian Army Private Thomas Peters, 20, of the Royal Regina Rifles, acts as a sentry while a Griffin Bell 412 helicopter of the 408 Squadron of Edmonton takes off to fly the Canadian Flag over the Calgary Stampede Grandstand Show. Photo by Brett Beadle/Calgary Herald


Blogger ashley and nicholas said...

Supertramp is amazing. I'm jealous that you went, and you got a great shot. Yes, good angle and great moment. Geeze, this stampede business is serious stuff. Must be nice to get away to the airport for a breather! You know, funnily enough there are still more than a few cowboy hats around there as well...

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

2:34 AM  

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