Friday, February 16, 2007

Up in Smoke

A photo I made about a special report on global warming the Richmond News did. They told me to think about some sort of picture for something to do with climate change, which was fairly vague so I kept it in mind. I thought about seeing a post on strobist about photographing smoke, and thought it would look cool coming out of a muffler. So luckily, the office is right beside a muffler shop, I went and grabbed one the guy had just ripped out of an old Datsun, and set it up in my ghetto studio in a closet in the back of the office. It worked out okay, I think it looks somewhat like a cigarette, and if I had a bigger "studio" would have probably used a whole car, but hopefully the effect worked. The smoke is from 3 incese sticks i put in the tailpipe. (It helps to have many asian supermarkets nearby.)

Reducing greenhouses gases, like the emissions expelled from vehicles, will slow global warming.


Blogger mike pochwat said...

Good idea. Nice lighting!

8:54 PM  

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