Friday, June 29, 2007

Faces of the Nation

Richmond: a microcosm of Canadian multiculturalism.

More info at the Richmond News Website

Terry Sakai, Third generation Japanese fisherman

Thomas Fung, CEO of Fairchild Group

John Furlong, CEO of VANOC, 2010 Olympics Comittee

Anjena Gandham, UBC Student

Calvin Helin, Lawyer/Author/Businessman

Friday, June 22, 2007

Strawberry Pickin'

Five-year-old Michael Nunn came out with his mom Chris and twin brother Alexander to pick strawberries at W & A Farms in East Richmond Wednesday morning. The picking season, which has been open for about 10 days, will wrap up around July 7th.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another Run/Pan

Mississauga's Justin McLennan, 22, and others on the Canadian national team used Minoru Track to prepare for the 24th annual Harry Jerome International Track Classic at Swanguard Stadium in Burnaby.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gallery Show

Opening this Saturday @ 6, 590 West Broadway.

Monday, June 11, 2007


A few portraits from the last couple of days....

Friday, June 08, 2007

when health care becomes a health hazard.

Hospitals have an ecological footprint that is a staggering 700 times their size. Before IV's are disposed of, excess fluid is poured down the drain, creating concern about antibiotics in the water supply.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wally Oppal

You win some, you lose some. I tried to get the first picture on the front page yesterday. I find it to be more graphical and visually appealing than the other one, and gets the viewer to question what the story was, where the second one pretty much tells it all. The second one ran. What can you do, I tried to push for it but it didn't happen.

B.C. Attorney General Wally Oppal scratches his head during a question and answer period at the Tsawwassen Business Association luncheon meeting on Monday at the Coast Hotel Tsawwassen. Turn-out was higher than usual, many came out to question the AG about the planned overhead powerline route.

B.C. Attorney General Wally listens to a question from Bernadette Kudzin of Tsawwassen Residents Against High Voltage Lines (TRAVHOL) during a question and answer period at the Tsawwassen Business Association luncheon meeting on Monday at the Coast Hotel Tsawwassen.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Delta Bog Fire

Delta firefighter Brian Hogg wraps up a line of hose through a charred section of Burns Bog Wednesday morning as fire crews hosed down any remaining hot spots. Fire investigators are still trying to determine what caused an out-of-season fire in Burns Bog Tuesday.