Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Chick with a weenie, no it's a man in a bikini!
Well this afternoon was a busy one. Riding on the side of a little boat that put out about 12 horsepower, a man in a bikini, and a feature shot for fun to top it off. Time for a beer!

March 24/06. Victoria, BC - The Zone 91.3's "Man in a Bikini" walks across the intersection of Yates & Douglas Streets at 5 pm Friday. He received 200 dollars for his entertaining display from the radio station. When asked what he was planning on spending the money on, he replied "Probably buy a ton of weed."

March 24/06. Victoria, BC - Tim Moore navigates one of the 5 Harbour Tours boats around the Inner Harbour in Victoria Friday afternoon.
March 24/06. Victoria, BC - A woman walking down Yates street gets her shot taken by the giant mural on the side of a local computer store.

March 24/06. Victoria, BC - The Zone 91.3's "Man in a Bikini" walks across the intersection of Yates & Douglas Streets at 5 pm Friday. He received 200 dollars for his entertaining display from the radio station. When asked what he was planning on spending the money on, he replied "Probably buy a ton of weed."

March 24/06. Victoria, BC - Tim Moore navigates one of the 5 Harbour Tours boats around the Inner Harbour in Victoria Friday afternoon.

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
New Cheap Chinese Pocketwizards
Well got some new cheap chinese pocketwizards to do some off-camera flash work, and just as I am praising the good people of China for making such a valuable and much-needed device, the thing breaks. I'll have to get a tiny screwdriver, crack it open and fix it, or send it back. Anyways here are the efforts of the day with the new toys:

Sunday, March 19, 2006
Up high in the sky, Ferries, and Stanley Park
Well Saturday was a busy day. After doing a job shadow with Darren Stone of the T-C on Friday afternoon, I woke up at 7 am to get out to Victoria International Airport to take a ride in a Cessna over to the mainland and back. It was a great flight. After that, we took the ferry back to Tsawwassen, and went into Stanley Park for a walk. Took a few hundred photos on the day, and here are some of them:

March 18/05. Active Pass, BC - Captain Keith Mclaren guides the BC Ferry vessel "Queen of Saanich" through active pass on its way to Tsawwassen from Swartz Bay.
March 18/05. Vancouver, BC - Tourist try to mimic the rock formations found along the seawall in Stanley Park as the sun sets over Vancouver Saturday Evening.
March 18/05. Vancouver, BC - People admire Siwash Rock along the Stanley Park seawall as the sun sets on Vancouver Saturday evening.

March 18/05. Victoria, BC - Tristan Nano takes one last look before take-off at Victoria Internation Airport.

March 18/05. 3500 Feet - Overlooking the Gulf Islands on the way back to Victoria airport.

March 18/05. Victoria, BC - Tristan Nano takes one last look before take-off at Victoria Internation Airport.

March 18/05. 3500 Feet - Overlooking the Gulf Islands on the way back to Victoria airport.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Well I skipped our brutal Graphic Design class in the dungeon of the school and went out to try some interesting enivromental portaits. It's much easier said than done and I'll have to keep working at it.....
Here's what I came up with.
Mar 16/06. Victoria, BC - Royal B.C. Museum vertebrate curator Dr. Gavin Hanke displays some of the many fish specimens he has been showing to young children touring the museum. All of the fish specimen come from around the Port Hardy area in Northern Vancouver Island.
Mar 16/06. Victoria, BC - UVIC Entomology student Mike Johnson peers through a microscope in the Entomology department at the Royal BC Museum. He and 4 other students are going through the process of identifying hundreds of the 250,000 insects stored in the department.
Here's what I came up with.

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Latest Photos
Wandered around Victoria on Saturday and snapped off a few photos. A good way to avoid doing the homework I am supposed to be doing for school. Beautiful weather after the snowstorm we had on Thursday, I feel like bringing the shorts back out of the closet and letting these pale legs get some colour!
March 10/06. Victoria, BC - James Bay's Rob Robson eludes a UBC tackle halfway through their match at Mcdonald Park. JBAA dominated the game and continued their unbeaten streak with a 36-13 victory.

March 10/06. Victoria, BC - Peter Marmont casts his line off the Ogden Point breakwater as his daughter Fern inspects the gaps of the large granite rocks on Saturday. The only catches on the day were seaweed, and an unfortunate seagull which flew away unharmed.

March 10/06. Victoria, BC - Peter Marmont casts his line off the Ogden Point breakwater as his daughter Fern inspects the gaps of the large granite rocks on Saturday. The only catches on the day were seaweed, and an unfortunate seagull which flew away unharmed.