Friday, August 31, 2007


Actors are always great to photograph, they are so comfortable around the camera. This was on Granville Island in Vancouver, it's good to start work 5 minutes away from where you work!

Alvin Sanders performs in The Arts Club Theatre's Company at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage Sept 13 to Oct 14. After four decades, three Jessie's and many kudos for his funny, sometimes erious and deeply moving portrayals in feature films, movies, television shows and animated series, it's clear the man has done it all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mmmm Blueberries

Van Nguyen picks blueberries at Fisher Blueberry Farm on No. 6 Road in Richmond Monday. The owner, Robert Fisher, says the blueberry crop is down 30-40% this year.

12-year-old Josh Jewell gets "slimed" during the last day of summer camp at the Tsawwasseen Alliance Church. It was one of many messy games kids were playing during the camp including a human sundae game, where they were covered in chocolate sauce.

Laara Raynier claims she is the target of intimidation tactics that include an incessant number of suite inspection notices and other actions. For example, when the outside of the building was painted, only her balcony was left unpainted. Coincidentally, the day she served her landlord Amacon with a harassment lawsuit, she also received her seventh eviction notice.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I spent an hour after work setting up a illustrative photo about the fact that we were getting liberal press releases regurgitated as letters to the editor, but we could not figure out who sent them and the photo went unused.

I went and photographed Aino at her apartment and was happy with the picture I made, it seemed to be a good symbol of her driving force as an 85-year-old volunteer, her Lutheran faith. It ended up being used as a "cut-out" with Aino being grabbed with a magnetic lasso and the background dropped. It is something we do all to frequently and is dissapointed to put a lot of effort into a photo and to have it being used as clipart.

My rant for the day, just another usual day at the office trying to fight for photos to be used properly.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Good Ole Golf.

Callum Graf, 10, gets a pat on the back from grandpa Gordon Brown, 79, as brother Stuart Graf, 12, walks up to his ball on the last hole of the West Richmond Pitch and Putt course Tuesday. The trio had come out from Tsawwassen for a round of golf on the nine-hole course beside Hugh Boyd park.

Monday, August 20, 2007

When to light.

I really liked how the last portrait of Jonathan worked out. The option of adding in props like pictures from Africa or some of the kids he taught is something that is overdone and somewhat boring. Sure, the focus wasn't bang on. Using a consumer camera makes that a tad bit tough. But the moment was real and was a good insight into who this guy is. Leaning on his kitchen countertop, talking about his trip. Real.

A singers portrait, something a little more graphical and flashy. As a preview to one of her concerts, I think it works. It might be nice to catch her during a practice session, but again under newspaper deadlines sometimes you have to go with what your given. Yes, the horizon line is off.

A new owl at the bird recovery centre. I could see that the office assistant had a relationship with "Baby" already so I just told them to hang out as I took some photos. I think it made a "real" photo with a little bit of flash to add some pop.

There are always choices to make going into a portrait shot, and the possiblities are endless. I guess you just have to go with your gut, but usually I find the simpler I make it, the better.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Inspired by Africa

Richmond’s Jonathan Conlin taught English in Tanzania this summer, and he’s now raising money for the Children’s Hunger Fund. To date, he has raised $37,500 in aid to help end world hunger.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Some recent Richmond

Jana Koerner of Vancouver laughs as her horse Thilda nibbles on some hay in her hand in the stables at the Twin Oaks Derby, a four-day show jumping event in Richmond . "My brothers call her mulcher," she says, "because she's always nibbling away on something."

Turning Point support staffer Victor (right) listens as Theo describes his path from drug addiction to wellness. Clients credit Turning Point's Odlin Road centre with helping them become and stay clean and sober.

Wilf Wilkinson, President of Rotary International, was in town to talk to local Rotarians.