TFN sign Final Agreement
On December 8th, 2006, the Tsawwassen First Nations signed a Final Agreement with the Provincial and Federal governments . The agreement outlines their land, financial contributions from the government, fishing rights, governance, and taxation. The next step in the process for the treaty to be ratified is a vote among the 358 Tsawwassen First Nations members, where a 50 per cent plus one member vote would see the treaty go to ratification.
Tsawwassen First Nations Band Member Darryl Splockton holds a traditional drum as the procession to the signing of the Final Agreement inside the TFN longhouse starts.
A Tsawwassen First Nations youth throws a log on the fire inside the longhouse while media await the start of the event.
Squamish First Nations Chief Ian Campbell talks to his daughter as a speech is made about the Agreement.
A TFN Band Member warms a drum by the fire before the signing of the Agreement.
Tsawwassen First Nations Chief Kim Baird (centre) signs the Final Agreement between the TFN and the Provincial and Federal governments. She called it "a very good deal."
Tsawwassen First Nations Band Member Darryl Splockton holds a traditional drum as the procession to the signing of the Final Agreement inside the TFN longhouse starts.
A Tsawwassen First Nations youth throws a log on the fire inside the longhouse while media await the start of the event.
Squamish First Nations Chief Ian Campbell talks to his daughter as a speech is made about the Agreement.
A TFN Band Member warms a drum by the fire before the signing of the Agreement.
Tsawwassen First Nations Chief Kim Baird (centre) signs the Final Agreement between the TFN and the Provincial and Federal governments. She called it "a very good deal."
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